Red Touch

We're your vigilant guardians, protecting your digital assets day and night.

Are the following keeping you awake?

  1. Becoming the next company to make headlines for a cybersecurity breach?
  2. Recruiting and retaining highly competent and experienced cybersecurity engineers?
  3. Keeping up to date with the dynamic and evolving cybersecurity threat landscape?
  4. Is the board fulling their duties on due diligence and due care against cyber threats?
  5. Finding the budgets to develop a high quality security posture?


Red Touch was born out of continuously facing these challenges. We are a team of highly technical and experienced professionals that came together to assist SME that have a skills gap and limited budgets to defend against an increasingly complex area of cybersecurity.

Why Partner with Red Touch?

People Risk

Increase your cybersecurity technical capacity without recruiting and training more staff.

Tool Risk

Protect and reduce risk without purchasing complex suite of tools and training.

Budget Risk

Achieve much more from your existing budgets without requesting an increase.


Protecting your digital world is our priority. We offer comprehensive cyber security solutions tailored to safeguard your business from evolving cyber threats. Our expert team utilizes cutting-edge technology and industry-leading strategies to ensure your data and assets are secure. 


SOC 24x7 Monitoring

A Security Operations Center (SOC) offers a wide range of benefits to organizations in enhancing their cybersecurity efforts and overall security posture.


Security Awareness and Training
We'll empower your organisation with the knowledge and skills to identify and safeguard against digital threats.

RT Scan

Vulnerability Scanning
Vulnerability testing is a critical component of any cybersecurity strategy, helping to proactively identify and address weaknesses.

RT Ducks

Ducks Traps
Ducks are devices that sit in your network waiting for someone to access them without authorization. In the cyber security industry these devices are known as Honeypots.


Your cyber security needs are crucial. Put them in the right hands and rest easy with custom solutions, 24/7 cybersecurity, and a local team of IT leaders on your side. Consider your bases covered.