Red Touch

Security Awareness Training

Equip your organization with the knowledge and skills to safeguard from cyber threats.

Real-time Security Coaching

RTCoach represents the pioneering real-time security coaching solution designed to enhance the protection of your organization’s most vulnerable area—your employees.

In a landscape plagued by an ever-growing volume of social engineering attacks, security teams grapple with incessant alerts triggered by recurring risky behaviors exhibited by your workforce. SecurityCoach steps in to elevate your overall security culture by providing instant security coaching tailored to users in response to their perilous security actions.


Real-Time Coaching Based on Risky User Behavior
Supply immediate feedback to your users precisely when risky behavior occurs, delivered through platforms like Microsoft Teams or Slack.


Leverage Your Existing Security Stack Investments
Integrate RTCoach with your current security products to seamlessly share alert data concerning user events that pose a risk to your organization.


Manage and Enhance Human Risk in Real Time
Embrace a data-driven approach for quantifying and mitigating human risk, blending existing technology with real-time behavior coaching.


Reduce SOC Overload and Enhance Efficiency
Mitigate the strain on your Security Operations Center (SOC) team by automating processes, thereby reducing alert noise stemming from recurrent risky user behaviors.