Red Touch

Security Awareness Training

Equip your organization with the knowledge and skills to safeguard from cyber threats.

Governance, Risk and Compliance

While compliance training is an essential component, it doesn’t have to elicit groans and the sentiment of Here we go again, let’s just get through this.

Historically, compliance training has garnered a reputation for being a significant challenge for organizations to implement effectively, often trapped in a rigid, checkbox-centric approach. Traditional compliance training tends to be costly due to its high per-user expense.

Executives have grappled with compliance training dilemmas over an extended period.

For years, Senior Management, Risk, Compliance, and HR executives have contended with compliance training difficulties. Vital and complex subjects have often been inadequately addressed, resulting in substantial gaps between the current state of compliance and the desired ideal state. Establishing a concrete link between compliance training and specific outcomes has proven to be a formidable task, with some executives even questioning the positive impact of compliance training on their organization’s culture.

One of the utmost critical factors for meeting compliance requirements hinges on your users’ grasp of these prerequisites and their ability to apply them effectively in their professional roles.

It’s time for a fresh approach to compliance training: Red Touch ComPlus.

In response to your readiness for a new-school approach to compliance training, we have introduced a revolutionary method. Our approach is current, engaging, adaptable, concise, and customizable.

Red Touch ComPlus training offers interactivity, relevance, and engagement, utilizing real-life simulated scenarios to instruct your users on how to respond in challenging situations. This content delves into complex and sometimes turbulent subjects, such as sexual harassment, diversity and inclusion, discrimination, and business ethics. Compliance Plus incorporates a variety of media formats and supplementary materials to bolster your compliance training program.

With Red Touch ComPlus, you can finally tackle the persistent issue of employee non-compliance head-on.

Red Touch ComPlus Training Key Areas:
  • Business Ethics

    In today’s highly-regulated landscape, it’s imperative that employees comprehend the core values shaping your organization’s operations and culture. Our business ethics training content equips you to educate your users on the essential legal requirements and ethical principles underpinning their roles in your organization. The ultimate objective is to establish a robust ethical framework that orients employees to make the right choices.

  • Data Privacy

    Personal data stands as one of the most valuable assets held by organizations like yours. Ensuring your employees grasp the significance of this data, both for your customers and your company, is critical for sustained business success and risk mitigation. Our data privacy training content elucidates the importance of data privacy, the risks linked to mishandling personal data, and the potential consequences of non-compliance with data privacy regulations.

  • Data Protection

    Effective data protection practices fortify trust in your organization and nurture customer loyalty, essential for securing long-lasting customer relationships. These courses aim to cultivate informed employees who can identify personally identifiable information (PII), comprehend how to handle it, and make privacy-conscious decisions that ultimately reduce risk to your organization.

  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

    A diverse workforce brings an array of advantages to any organization, from diverse backgrounds and experiences to innovative problem-solving approaches. Promoting acceptance of such diversity is a central objective of diversity training, encompassing topics like recognizing and addressing microaggressions. Our training on microaggressions confronts the issue directly, offering guidance on helping your users steer clear of these impediments to an inclusive and equitable workplace.

  • Employment Law

    Employees must be well-versed in the federal and state laws that govern organizational operations, regardless of size, to minimize risks and liabilities. Our employment law training covers federal and state workplace regulations, spanning subjects such as discrimination, harassment, wage and hour laws, FMLA, and reasonable accommodations under the ADA.

  • Harassment and Discrimination

    Our anti-discrimination training content educates users on identifying discrimination, preventing it, and taking appropriate measures to ensure a respectful and supportive workplace. Our harassment prevention training encompasses sexual harassment and other related topics, including protected classes, Title IX, and more.

  • Workplace Safety

    The modern workplace is confronted with the unfortunate reality of unforeseen physical threats, such as workplace violence, active shooter situations, or biological health hazards. This training content instructs employees on the crucial steps to take in scenarios such as an active assailant attack at their workplace.

  • Professional Development

    Employees thrive when they perceive their organization’s commitment to enhancing their skills and expertise. Our professional development training offers diverse opportunities, including courses on corporate process improvements, efficiencies, and related subjects.

Enhance Your Compliance Training with Fresh and Effective Content

Annual compliance training is insufficient to effectively educate your users or reinforce the critical legal and regulatory requirements your organization must adhere to. With an expanding library of over 400 items and a constant influx of fresh, up-to-date, and concise content from KnowBe4, you can remain up-to-date with current compliance prerequisites. Deliver various training campaigns to your users on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Similar to how security awareness training fortifies your human firewall, Compliance Plus furnishes your users with interactive, engaging training, ensuring your organization’s adherence to the laws and regulations pertinent to your industry.

Since Red Touch ComPlus is an additional training resource that can be integrated into the our platform, you benefit from the same robust training campaign features and automation tools employed in your security awareness training. Features such as branding, certificates, user auto-enrollment, progress tracking, completion rates, and advanced compliance reporting are all readily available.

With our platform and Red Touch ComPlus, you can:

  • Establish a best-practice compliance training program that engages your learners effectively.
  • Seamlessly connect your compliance training initiatives to specific, tangible outcomes.
  • Create tailored compliance training campaigns that target the right users for specific compliance requirements.
  • Monitor results and track trends over time, assessing how your users’ individual risk scores influence your organization’s overall risk rating.